En este último número de Pecia Complutense aparecen dos interesantes artículos relacionados con los incunables españoles
Alfredo Adolfo Camús' (1817-1889) bequest in the Historical Library Marqués de Valdecilla.
The instruments of preaching: Latin manuscripts on vices and virtues in the Marqués de Valdecilla Historical Library .
Illuminated codices of the Ducal House of Pastrana. Titles of nobility (17th-20th centuries) .
The entanglement of Salamanca incunabula colophons I: authorship of some colophons and a date in the Anno ab Incarnatione Domini in the Pisan way pproach to conservation of tapestries.
Two letters from Rafael de Ureña to Konrad Haebler on the subject of Spanish legal incunabula.